What are they?
Accordingly, the functions that we try to compose are actually A => Monad[B] . A wrapper around them, a category that is naturally associated with a Monad[B], is called a Kleisli category. A => Monad[B] or Kleisli arrows is just a way to compose these sort of functions, nothing more...
Fun fact: If you compose Kleisli arrows for IO monad, you will get a description of your computer program. Your computer program is essentially one gigantic Kleisli arrow, with some input and output of Unit that acts as a description, and a runtime environment that executes this program works as an interpreter.[Pavel Zaytsev on Medium.com]
Rob Norris @tpolecat Nov 20 20:39
Kleislis compose, the equivalent bare functions don't. It's just a matter of convenience.
Kleisli[F, A, B] and A => F[B] are isomorphic, pick whichever works better.
John D Cook has a blog post here how the use of Kleislis could have saved the Mars lander from failing (TL;DR; the conversion from kilometers to miles was done twice).
Why are they useful?
They compose whereas monads (usually) don't.
If you know how to map over A[X] and over B[X] you also know how to map over A[B[X]]. Automagically. For free.
This is untrue for Monad: knowing how to flatMap over A[X] and B[X] doesn’t grant you the power of magically deriving a flatMap for A[B[X]].
It turns out this is a well known fact: Monads do not compose, at least not generically.[Blog of Gabriele Petronella]
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From Rob Norris' talk, Functional Programming with Effects |
Using Haskell notation: "there is a way to compose functions like a -> m b and b -> m c into a -> m c (like the function here, from String to Set[String]). They are called Kleisli functions" [SO]
Ryan Peters [@sloshy on Gitter Jul 14 18:21 2020] describes why he likes Kleisli's for Dependency Injection:
damnit I keep stumbling into Kleisli by accident...
My architecture as of late has looked something like this:Config object defining how to read in config arguments/env (using Decline or Ciris)Dependencies case class that has a constructor which depends on that Config and tries to read it in, converting those values to all of my dependencies.Anything that needs different dependencies, like concurrent jobs or other processes, is defined as a Kleisli as mentioned.Main loads a single Resource[IO, Dependencies] and converts all of my Kleisli jobs into Kleisli[IO, Dependencies, ExitCode] and runs it at once.
Kleisli is intimately related with "first do X then do Y" (sequencing) [Gavin Bisesi Gitter May 06 21:02, 2020]. Also, note that ReaderT == Kleisli [Adam Rosien Gitter May 06 19:28 2020]
Usage in HTTP4S
[Gabriel Volpe @gvolpe Jul 06 16:17 2020]
So, HttpRoutes is an alias forKleisli[OptionT[F, *], Request[F], Response[F]]We saydef handle(routes: HttpRoutes[F]): HttpRoutes[F] = ...So that's the type we are expecting to have (we are annotating our function [with] the expected type), meaning we don't need to do the same again within the Kleisli block because the types can be inferred. It would be a different story if we wouldn't have told the compiler what the expected type is.Then we have the implementation:Kleisli { req =>OptionT {A.handleErrorWith(routes.run(req).value)(e =>
A.map(handler(e))(Option(_)))}}Kleisli { ... } is the same as calling Kleisli.apply. So [within] this block, we expect the type to be
Request[F] => OptionT[F, Response[F]]Remember that req can be inferred by the compiler, so we know we have req: Request[F]Then again we call OptionT { ... } which is the same as OptionT.apply. So [within] this block, we expect the type to be
F[Option[Response]].Now we get to the final blockA.handleErrorWith(routes.run(req).value)(e =>
Let's recap on the types we haveroutes: HttpRoutes[F]req: Request[F]handler: E => F[Response[F]]A: ApplicativeError[F, Throwable]A good exercise would be to split every single part to understand what the types areroutes.run(req) effectively runs the Kleisli by feeding a Request[F], which gives us an OptionT[F, Response[F]]. So we call .value on it to get F[Option[Response[F]]Now here's the type signature of handleErrorWithdef handleErrorWith[A](fa: F[A])(f: E => F[A]): F[A]fa is F[Option[Response[F]] for usso the second part should beE => F[Option[Response[F]]but notice that handler is defined asE => F[Response[F]]so we perform that final map(Option(_)) to lift that Response[F] into an Option[Response[F]].
A worked example using HTTP4S
I found this sample on GitHub informative. It presents an HTTP server using Http4s, a database from H2 (from a quick sbt 'show dependencyClasspathFiles' or sbt dependencyTree), Quill and even Flyway to update the database schema. All of this in less than 150 lines!
The whole app is basically this line:
private val httpApp: Kleisli[IO, Request[IO], Response[IO]] = (videos <+> tags <+> videotags).orNotFound
where videos, tags and videotags are all HttpRoutes which is just an alias as defined above by Gabriel.
But what is this <+> magic? Well, we're combining Kleisli's by treating their content as semigroups. The results seemed a little counter intuitive to me to begin with. Run this code:
val add1 = Kleisli[List, Int, Int](x => List(x + 1))
val divide10 = Kleisli[List, Int, Int](x => List(x / 10))
val add1Div10 = add1 <+> divide10
and you'll see:
List(100, 9)
Straight forward so far. The call to Kleisli.run executed both functions on the input and used an implicit semigroup to glue the answers together within the List.
But HttpRoutes does not deal with Lists, it deals with OptionTs - a monad transformer for Options. How they behave is demonstrated in my GitHub project. Basically, the binary operator defers to OptionTSemigroupK and it looks like this:
def combineK[A](x: OptionT[F, A], y: OptionT[F, A]): OptionT[F, A] = x.orElse(y)
For example, if our F was a List[Int] (that is, we're gluing together OptionT[List, Int]s) then calling <+> on them will result in a Kleisli whose value is a list with just the first Some (or a single None if they're both Nones).
Note that if our F were IO then the effect associated with any but the first OptionT would not be run (as demonstrated here in my GitHub). In our HTTP app, the flow short circuits on the first combined function that gives a satisfactory answer.
But now we're getting away from Kleisi's and into semigroups. Suffice to say, composing the Kleisli will glue the results together according to the laws of their semigroup.
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