Saturday, September 28, 2019

Applicative Functors and Validation


Laws Applicative instances must follow:

map(apply(x))(f)         == apply(f(x))
join(apply(x), apply(y)) == apply((x, y))

Recall that "functions are applicative functors" (LYAHFGG) and applicatives have a function of type:

f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b.

So, where is this function on scala.Function1 etc?

Basically, the authors of Scala didn't put that functional programming goodness into the standard library and you have to roll-your-own or use a library like Cats (see below).

Applicative Functor

I liked the second definition here at StackOverflow which basically says the defining Functor function is:

  def map[A, B](f : A => B): C[A] => C[B]

"And it works perfectly for a function of one variable. But for a function of 2 and more, after lifting to a category, we have the following signature:"

val g = (x: Int) => (y: Int) => x + y

for example:

Option(5) map g // Option[Int => Int]

The defining Applicative function is:

  def apply[A, B](f: F[A => B]): F[A] => F[B]

"So why bother with applicative functors at all, when we've got monads? First of all, it's simply not possible to provide monad instances for some of the abstractions we want to work with—Validation is the perfect example. Second (and relatedly), it's just a solid development practice to use the least powerful abstraction that will get the job done. In principle this may allow optimizations that wouldn't otherwise be possible, but more importantly it makes the code we write more reusable"


The author of this answer raises a good example of  where monads are not appropriate, something that struck me this week when I was writing validation code.

Monads are great. Why they're great is because I don't need to change my code when I mess up. For instance, I had some parsing code that looked like this:

  def parse: T[String] = for {
    a <- parent
    b <- parseElementA
    c <- parseElementB
  } yield {

and naively my parseXXX functions return Options. The problem here is that if we fail to parse an element, None doesn't tell us why. No worries, let's use Either which (since Scala 2.12) is a monad too! Now my parseXXX methods will tell me if they fail why they fail and I never had to change the above block of code!

The next problem occurred when the QA told me that he must run the whole application again to find the next error in the data he is feeding into it. In the cloud (GCP), this is a royal pain. So, wouldn't it be great to aggregate all the errors?

As mentioned in the SO answer above, it's simply not possible to do this with monads. Fortunately, "there's a simpler abstraction—called an applicative functor—that's in-between a functor and a monad and that provides all the machinery we need. Note that it's in-between in a formal sense." [SO]

Cats and Validation

Cats has a type to help here called Validated. But note that "what’s different about Validation is that it is does not form a monad, but forms an applicative functor." [eed3si9n]

So, with a few imports from Cats, I can write the even more succinct:

  def doApplicatives: T[String] = (parseParentparseElementAparseElementB).mapN { case (x, y, z) =>

What's more, since Options and Eithers are also applicatives (as are all monads) this code still works just as well with them because "every monad is an applicative functor, every applicative functor is a functor, but not every applicative functor is a monad, etc." [SO]

Note that Scalaz also gives us an applicative functor instance for Option, so we can write the following:

import scalaz._, std.option._, syntax.apply._def add(i: Int, j: Int): Int = i + j

val x: Option[Int] = ...
val y: Option[Int] = ...

val xy = (x |@| y)(add)

So, for validation, don't use monads, use applicatives and some library to add syntactic sugar.

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