Thursday, August 20, 2020

Self-documenting tests

Even though it's 2020, self-documenting tests are still niche. There is Clairvoyance, a Scala flavour of YatSpec (that I mention exensively in this article for IBM). Its creator, Rhys Keepence is an old colleague and told me recently that it "is mostly up to date (although I haven’t yet published for Scala 2.13). The docs on my github page are not super up to date, but the latest version is 1.0.129".

However, introducing yet another new library to the codebase was too much an ask so I started using GivenWhenThen in ScalaTest. It was somewhat painful to get it to print just the Given, When, Then outputs to a separate file that can be version controlled for the edification of other data scientists modulo all the gubbins that are also spat out in your typical build.

I eventually did it using these resources from the ScalaTest docs. The top-and-bottom of it is that the GWT outputs are captured in a Reporter that may be bespoke (IntelliJ uses its own to seperate the GWTs from the logging). This Reporter can then spew out the events at the end of the test. But if you want them in a file produced by your build, you'll need something like this (in Maven):

                    <filereports>W ../docs/src/main/acceptance_tests/scenarios.txt</filereports>

and then copy scenarios.txt where it can be versioned controlled with something like:


The W in filereports means without colour since although this looks good on a Unix CLI, it just adds odd escape characters to a text file, which is what the data scientists want.

I'm unaware of a similar BDD framework for ZIO which means I need to mix my ZIO tests with ScalaTest. Unfortunately, I noticed that with Maven, some ZIO tests were failing but this did not stop the build. I documented this on ZIO's github here.

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