As I wean myself off inefficient (but easy), maintenance-mode RDDs, these are some notes I made on Datasets and DataFrames.
Datasets for all
In this example, I was looking at bank account transactions for which I wanted to build histograms of nominal values. I created my case class so:
case class Record(acc: String, histo: String, name: String, value: Double, number: Int)
type Bucket[T, U] = (T, U, Int)
type Buckets[K] = Seq[Bucket[K, Double]]
def processAll(rows: Iterator[Row]): Map[String, Buckets[String]] = ...
Now I can run on pipe delimited raw data:
val byAccountKey = rawDataDF.groupByKey(_.getString(IBAN_INDEX))
val accTimeHistoCase = byAccountKey.flatMapGroups { case(acc, rows) => processAll(rows).flatMap(bs => => Record(acc, bs._1, x._1, x._2, x._3)) ) }
val ds =[Record]
only for it to give me runtime exceptions because Spark doesn't know how to serialize my Records. Oops.
Not to worry. Let's just add a row encoder.
val schema = StructType(
StructField("acc", StringType, nullable = false) ::
StructField("histo", StringType, nullable = false) ::
StructField("name", StringType, nullable = false) ::
StructField("value", DoubleType, nullable = false) ::
StructField("number", IntegerType, nullable = false) ::
implicit val recordEncoder = RowEncoder(schema)
User Defined Functions
... except my data is in a Continental format where commas are used as decimal points. This causes confusion when creating Doubles. So, we can add a UDF so:
def commasAsPeriods(x: String): Double = x.replace(",", ".").toDouble
val numFormatter = udf(commasAsPeriods _)
val df = rawDataDF.withColumn("CONTINENTAL_NUMBER", numFormatter('CONTINENTAL_NUMBER))
and now we can parse the whole file.
There are a plethora of functions for Spark Datasets. For instance, if you wanted to do a sort of flatMap from Dataset[K, Seq[V]] to Dataset[K, V], you would use explode. (But be careful that this doesn't consume too much memory. I've seen OutOfMemoryErrors by using this function.)
Similarly, collect_set is sort of the opposite. It aggregates a number of rows into one. For instance, if we wanted to know all the bucket names for a single histogram type, we could write:
scala> ds.groupBy($"histo").agg(collect_set($"name")).show()
| histo| collect_set(name)|
| countryCode|[NA, XK, VN, BE, ...|
| dayOfWeek|[FRIDAY, MONDAY, ...|
| dayTime|[EVENING, FRIDAY,...|
These are fairly simple functions but we can make them arbitrarily complex (see this SO answer for a recipe).
Now my Dataset, ds, is bucket data for a given histogram for a given account number.
We can see how much bucket data there is for each histogram.
scala> ds.groupByKey(_.histo).agg(count("name")).show()
| value|count(name)|
|receivingAccount| 1530942|
| countryCode| 465430|
| dayOfWeek| 866661|
| dayTime| 809537|
scala> ds.groupBy('histo).agg(countDistinct("name")).show()
| histo|count(DISTINCT name)|
|receivingAccount| 732020|
| countryCode| 152|
| dayOfWeek| 8|
| dayTime| 10|
We can, of course, aggregate by multiple columns, thus:
scala> ds.groupBy('histo, 'name).agg(count("name")).show()
| histo| name|count(name)|
| countryCode| CH| 956|
The method groupBy produces a RelationalGroupedDataset and is "used for untyped aggregates using DataFrames. Grouping is described using column expressions or column names."
Whereas groupByKey produces a KeyValueGroupedDataset that is "used for typed aggregates using Datasets with records grouped by a key-defining discriminator function" (Jacek Laskowski).
"In Datasets, typed operations tend to act on TypedColumn instead." Fortunately, "to create a TypedColumn, all we have to do is call as[..]" (GitHub)
So, the following:
scala> ds.groupBy('histo).agg(countDistinct('name')).show()
scala> ds.groupByKey(_.histo).agg(countDistinct('name').as[Long]).show()
are equivalent.
Similarly, the functions for groupByKey must use typed. For instance:
scala> import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.scalalang._
scala> ds.groupByKey(_.histo).agg(typed.avg(_.value)).show()
scala> ds.groupBy('histo).agg(avg('value)).show()
are also equivalent.
Differences between Datasets
I'd not heard of anti-joins before but they're a good way to find the elements in one Dataset that are not in another (see the Spark mailing list here). The different types (with examples) can be found here on SO where Spark's "left_anti" is the interesting one.
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