There is a long-standing bug in the Java type system:
SubClass[] subArray = new SubClass[1];
SuperClass[] superArray = subArray;
superArray[0] = new AnotherSubClass(); // throws java.lang.ArrayStoreException
Scala avoids this quite nicely by using the Array class whose contents are invariant (it's defined as
final class Array[T] ...). Note that it has neither + to indicate T is covariant or - to indicate T is contravariant.
Java programmers may understand co- and contravariance in terms of method calls. Here, method parameters are contravariant and return types are covariant. What do I mean? Well take this code:
public SuperClass getThis(SuperClass x) { ... }
It says it returns a SuperClass but it can actually be overriden with this:
public SubClass getThis(SuperClass x) { ... }
(where not surprisingly
SubClass is a subclass of
SuperClass). So, the return type is covariant, that is, it can be more specific than its definition.
Contravariance in Java is more rare (example at the bottom) but it means that types can be super classes and still the code will compile.
Generics in Java are
invariant (neither co- nor contravariant). That is:
List<SubClass> mySubs = new ArrayList<>();
List<SuperClass> mySupers = mySubs; // does not compile
But in Scala, this:
val subList = List[MySubClass]()
val superButReallySubList: List[MySuperClass] = subList // allowed
is acceptable because List is defined as:
type List[+A] = scala.collection.immutable.List[A]
That is, the list is covariant (because of the +).
Interestingly, Scala gets around the problems of Java's covariant arrays by changing the type of the list when a covariant type is added.
val subListWithSuperElem = subList :+ new MySuperClass
subListWithSuperElem :+ new MyOtherSubClass // this is legal because subListWithSuperElem is not the type as subList
printAllSubs(subListWithSuperElem) // but this is illegal
def printAllSubs(x : List[MySubClass]) = {
x.foreach(x =< { print(x + " ") } )
Now it gets complicated :) Let's take these four functions that are permutations of functions taking a sub- or super-type and returning a sub- or super-type:
def superToSub (x: MySuperClass) : MySubClass = { new MySubClass() }
def subToSub (x: MySubClass) : MySubClass = { new MySubClass() }
def superToSuper(x: MySuperClass) : MySuperClass = { new MySuperClass() }
def subToSuper (x: MySubClass) : MySuperClass = { new MySuperClass() }
Then we want to pass them to these functions:
def fnTakesSuperReturnsSub (x :(MySuperClass) => MySubClass) = {...}
def fnTakesSubReturnsSuper (x: (MySubClass) => MySuperClass) = {...}
def fnTakesSuperReturnsSuper(x: (MySuperClass) => MySuperClass) = {...}
def fnTakesSubReturnsSub (x: (MySubClass) => MySubClass) = {...}
Some combinations are allowed, some are not.
Type of called function's parameter
(Super)->Sub (Super)->Super (Sub)->Sub (Sub)->Super
Argument (Super)->Sub Yes Yes Yes Yes
to (Super)->Super No Yes No Yes
Function (Sub)->Super No No No Yes
(Sub)->Sub No No Yes Yes
The rule is:
When passing function A to function B, function A's argument is covariant to the function defined in B's parameters and the return type is contravariant. In other words, you can be more relaxed about the argument and more precise about the returned type.
Function<SubClass, SuperClass> subToSuper =
(SubClass subclass) -> { return new SuperClass(); };
Function<SubClass, SubClass> subToSub =
(SubClass subclass) -> { return subclass; };
Function<SuperClass, SuperClass> superToSuper =
(SuperClass superClass) -> { return superClass; };
Function<SuperClass, SubClass> superToSub =
(SuperClass superClass) -> { return new SubClass(); };
Note, that Java 8
adds the syntactic sugar that makes it look a little like Scala, but it's just creating instances of
java.util.function.Function really and the methods we might call may look like this:
private void doSuperToSub(Function<SuperClass, SubClass> superToSub) { }
private void doSuperToSuper(Function<SuperClass, SuperClass> superToSuper) { }
private void doSubToSub(Function<SubClass, SubClass> subToSub) { }
private void doSubToSuper(Function<SubClass, SuperClass> subToSuper) { }
But this time, since Java generics by default are invariant, there is a one-to-one mapping between the 4 functions and 4 methods above. For instance:
doSubToSuper(subToSuper); // works!
// doSubToSuper(subToSub); // doesn't compile
If you want Scala like semantics for argument covariance, you have to start getting clever with generics. For instance, you can do:
if we define this method such:
private <T extends SuperClass> void doAnyToSuperToSub(Function<T, SubClass> anySuperToSub) { }
Similarly, if you want Scala like semantics for the returned type's contravariance, you'll need:
calling something like:
private void doSubToAnySuper(Function<SubClass, ? super SubClass> fn) {}