AWS now offers the ability to remotely login to Docker containers running in ECS. The secret sauce in the Terraform script was to point execution_role_arn under the
resource "aws_ecs_task_definition" "compute_task"
to the ARN of an aws_iam_role that has the right policy. A really good guide is here. However, I still had a few issues.
First, you need to install session-manager-plugin. I followed all the instructions to install it on Ubuntu here and it seemed to install without error. But, when I ran:
$ aws ecs execute-command --cluster CLUSTER_NAME --task TASK_ARN --container CONTAINER --interactive --command "/bin/bash"
SessionManagerPlugin is not found. Please refer to SessionManager Documentation here:
Which was odd as it evidently was installed:
henryp@adele:~$ session-manager-plugin
The Session Manager plugin was installed successfully. Use the AWS CLI to start a session.
Interestingly, the excellent IntelliJ AWS plugin could connect but I noticed that it used it's own session-manager-plugin even though it claimed to be exactly the same version.
So, I created a Docker image to run on my local machine that thas the session-manager-plugin installed. Amazon does not appear to offer this so I needed to build my own. I had a file called AwsDocker/Dockerfile that had this:
FROM amazon/aws-cli
RUN curl "" -o "session-manager-plugin.rpm" && \
yum install -y ./session-manager-plugin.rpm
docker build --no-cache -t my_aws AwsDocker/
and run with:
docker run -v $HOME/.aws/credentials:/root/.aws/credentials:ro -t -i my_aws --debug --region eu-west-2 ecs execute-command --cluster CLUSTER_NAME --task TASK_ARN --interactive --command "/bin/bash"
And lo! I manage to login. (You can lose the --debug if you want as it's verbose but it does help sometimes).
Note that there are many ways [SO] to add the credentials to the local Docker image and the one I chose from the SO answer is a bit broken. The line above fixes it.